Well, yes, it's been a while. Here it is, the first week of spring...the garden is a riot of new life, and I have to start posting again. I am inspired by so many things outside my door and in the world right now!
First thing's first...the Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase Tour (FREE!!!), which we are honored to be featured on again, is on April 25, and we got the most wonderful, generous mention on Sunset Magazine's wonderful blog, Fresh Dirt, today! Please come to the tour - there are 79 gardens, and it will be amazing and special. I will certainly post more information about it in the coming weeks!
Next, here is a little project for you...about a month ago, I put a little wire mesh basket with dryer lint in one of our trees that is by a window (for best viewing!), hoping that I could attract some of the bush tits that hang out in our yard and build the most wild, beautiful nests you ever saw:

So this morning, I looked outside, and lo and behold, I caught sight of a lovely little hummingbird couple making off with some of the lint. I am soo excited! I will try really hard to catch them in the act and post their photo on the blog.

Until then...
Glad to be back in action!
PS. Bush Tit Nest By Chester A. Reed, from the fantastic website, 50 Birds!